What is my manifesto?:D
Hahas roy is back here again!!:D This week seems to pass qucker and faster than de previous week, mayb it is getting used to de life in camp already!!:D But this week is indeed very bless, cos i get to catch up wif my besties and learn alot of things on a sat evening!!:D
Just 1 hour before i started blogging, got to meet up with mavis and xh at jp!!Stil rem how we always liketo meet up in town over a meal and yet we r v contented wif jux mitin up at jp!!Had kfc though, n being in camp makes ppl reali miss the fastfood oso!!:D First of all, gotta congrats to mav for being admitted to mass comm, which is the course of her dream!!Even though she nv reali express out her happiness, but inoe deep inside she feel reali happy and contented yea?Hahas and of cos to xh, being admitted to mass comm oso and doing well in her law interview, sure hope tat she can get into NUS Law, jiayou xh!!:D And i oso feel contented for being admitted into NUS biz orde, when i receive the lettwer, certainly feel a sign of relief!!:D Though we mit up for a short 2 hrs onli, but being able to see them and tok to them makes me feel tat i shld treasure my time wif fam and frens even more!!:D
Yest was really an impacting day for me, soon after coming home, took a cab to attend baptism klass!!And what most impractedme was the svc by Rev Robb Thompson, toking abt wad is my manifesto in life aka what is my public declaration of my standards and principles:D
Which decision is more painful?Momentarily saying 'No' to yurself or a life of heaven saying 'No' to you?
Sometimes, when we make decisions, it is really not easy saying no to yourself cos we hav to face temptations all the time and often, we make decisions for our own comfort and desires rather than making wise decisions for our future. 8 very impt points that we can learn about:
1. No matter how difficult life may seem, we must never let our cirumstances dictate our decisions.
We must hold fast to our principles and belifs and at the same time, never allow comfortable decisions to affect my futute.
2. We will either raise our standards to meet our expectations or lower our standards to match our perf.
When we raise our standrads, only then can we enjoy the blessings and the fruit of our effort better.
3. Only the irresonsible are willing to sacrifice the future in order to enjoy the present.
4. The potrait of my life is painted with the brush of my character.
Therefore things we can ask ourselves are: What is my chraacter?Can i be trusted?Am i a man of word and integrity?What is my standings in life? Cos ulitmately, what we stand for will determine what kind of future we r gonna hav
5.We can never know a person by what they say. We really meet and know them the moment i am williong to believe what they do.
6. The productivity of any relationship is dependent upon the standrards it celebrates.
Requitement for relaionship:
(a) must be committed to life long relationships
(b) must be moving towards a productive future
(c)must be generous
(d) must qualify to receive my seed. The future of my seed depends on the quality of the seed
(e) must celevbrate character before celebrating friendship.
(f) must be willing to confront my enemies.
7. There is nothing more dangerous than the moment i become a hostage to yest comfort zone.
8. Whatever i refuse to confront today will be next to impossible to conquer tomorrow.
My enemies are the smallest the first time i meet them. If i choose to ignore it, it will grow even bigger and more difficult to handle it.
What wonderful lessons i learn yest; sometimes in a situation there is always 2 sides, and most of the time we face a dilemna of making a more comfortable decision. Yet we failed to realise that when we make the more comfotable one instead of the wise 1, it will affect and jeopardise our future in the end. But i thank God for giving me the opportunity to leran such an impt lesson that next time when i make a decision, always tink of its conseuqneces and ultimately the kind of future that it will lead to:D:D:D
2:42 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
First Bookout:D:D
Hahas phew, after 1 week of incamp life, finally get to come out le!!:D to alot of us, seeing the outside world is so refreshed and heavenly, esp when time pass really slow during camp!!:D Trainings were defintely tough and i injure my back as a result on thur due to old injury, so now currently on mc bt well, i sure hope my back will be well again cos i wanna cont training and catch up wif de rest!!:D But sometimes, it reali makes me wanna gif up esp when the trainings r so intensive and i wil keep asking myself, how come i din request to be posted to tekong and instead, training so hard here?But even though rite now i don hav an ans frm God yet, for now, i wil juxt cont to pray and hope God realli speaks to me ba!!
Went to svc yest, reali miss the ppl there so much and oso the praise and worship, preaching and everything else!!For the rare times in my life, i could actually feel so close to God and juxt knwoing He is just beside me, sepaking nth bt jux pouring out His love to me, Thanks so much Jesus!!:D
Hahas, going to book in a few hrs time le, back to inside wold again and a whole new week of camp life!!See ya peeps ard!!:D:D
Quote of de day: The only easy dae was yesterday:D
1:32 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
HAhas finally, it is like jux around 9 more hrs to me being in sembawang liao, right now my feelings r mixed, excited and nervous at de same time; excited being it will be a totally new exp, mitin new mates and of cos able to reach out and build grter relationships; nervous being about the trainings, physical tough trainings esp in de sea jux make me shudder??:D
Hahas don noe wad to blog right now oso, jux wanna sae tat i will miss all my frens out there, even though will be out in lyk 2 or 3 weeks times, but i guess life out here and life inside will be really diff too!!:D But jux wanna sae a big thanks to those hu hav given me memorable and nice farewell and all these will serve to motivate me to perf even beta in NS!!:D Gotaa miss u all peeps ah!!:D:D
Perhaps mayb before i go, a final joke of de day?:D
Joke of de day: which animal is de most sadded when comes to taking fotographs in de zoo?
Ans of de day: Panda, cos it cant shoot colour fotos!!:D
Opps enjoy peeps and take gd care of urselves!!:D:D
11:22 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
A day jux before NS;)
Hahas so as i m bloggig right now, there is still left roughly around 31 hrs to my NS le, excited and yet nervous at de same time too, but as the day is coming by nearaer and nearer, i find myself treasuring the time even more and jux hope to catch up wif some of my frens before i get in!!:D
So today in de morn, went to de gym to hav a 2 hrs workout!!Well it is not really last min training, just to make myself more refreshed to start the day right and make me feel much beta before going into NS??
After that went to have lunch at pizza hut je with my sec sch choir mate yin sing!!:D Been long time since i catch up with her le, lyk if i din rem wrongly, nv met her since last yr liao!!:S Hahas but it was nice tok though and if u r reading this, sure hope u hav a well deserved break to recharge urself and u finding a beta and more friendly environment job!!:D:D
Hahas then happen to meet my 2nd bro at jp so we decided to shop tgt for his vietnam trip tml!!:D Tink since today is his lsat exam paper, he seem more happy, peaceful!!And so he bot a few clothes here and there and sure hope he enjoy his trip!!Tml will be sending him off though!!:D:D
Hahas, then met up with my dearest cell grp w325 at jp bentobox!!:D First of all, let me say a very big thanks to u all for giving me such a nice farewell!!:D Though we may not be tgt tat long but i certainly feel the love and care u all have given me!!:D And here r some of de memorable photos!!:D
Hahas after that head down to meet up with adeline and so sorry for making her wait in de office for so long!!:D But wells, we headed down to esplandade and on our way, we saw a insturmental perf which i kept saying is i arranged for her de but well she jux don believe me!!hahas and she tell me to wave to a gal perfing so ppl will tot i m her bro and so i jux wave, it was quite funny la when ppl don noe hu we waving too!!:D so here r some of de fotos!!:D
Soon after that, we headed to makansutra at de esplandae to eat!!well initally i always tot it is jux a program in tv, but it turns out to be like a hawker where all de famous food r gathered there!!:D So not to miss this opportunity of savouring all de good food, we ordered the all time fav orh lua, satay and stingray, yummy!!:D Ade was saying that lyk tat she won undergo mulnutiriton cos she always skip her dinner la oh mans!!:s
Then we walk awhile and proceeded back to the esplanade again!!Oh mans ade we mux watch phantom ah!!:D Then we saw some art pieces which upon closer look, u will noe wad it is!!:D But somehow, there seem to be a model promoting umbrella stand??
Hahas this is de pic tat ade alays like!!:D
Hahas and lastly, me and ade went to gloria jean to hav a cup of kopi and a cake!!:D
And of cos, i was super touced when they all giving me gifts!!:D Oh mans its really sweet of them la!!:D Here is wad my dearest cg w325 give me!!:D
hahas i so love this cap esp with the guit and my name on it!!:D It will prove to be v useful de nxt time when i come out to cover my shiny head!!:D And de most precious of it is de w325 logo there!!:D perhaps its time we make our own brand le hehe!!:D
Hahas and tat a very nice and creative card yea?The msgs there r indeed v sweet and of cos thanks for putting my face there mans to motivate me during my NS wahhaas no wonder sheryne kept laughing throughout the dinner!!:D Will never forget u all when i m inside!!:D
And of cos, the super duper nice adeline gave me nice stuff too!!:D:D
And tat a postcard written by her when she says she feel bored in de office but it nice and sweet!!:D
Hahaas and this 1 is v memorable and practical, wif fotos of me ade n jme and she says this can be kept in de wallet and can put the ez link inside too!!:D So the nxt time i misses u guys inside, i noe what i can do to my wallet le!!:D:D
Merci chocos, which ade always survive on in de company and tat y she always nv eat dinner!!Hahas if u r reading this, don eat too much choco ah!!
And of cos, here comes de v unique shepherd pie frm secret recipe!!:D It is v touching cos ade rem i commenting during thanksgiving last yr that i wanna try and like shepherd pie!!:D wahahas thanks so much!!
Thanks to w325 for coming down to eat dinner and spend time tgt wif me, indeed i noe u all will be praying for me and i sure hope i can be a wonderful light that represent this wonderful cg in de marketplace!!:D Believe that the cg will grow up to even another deeper level!!:D And to adeline, thanks for coming to spend the night wif me!!Will miss toking to u in msn everyday but in de meanwhile enjoy ur work and ur life whaahahs!!:D
Okies i m off to reheat the shepheard pie and start eating again opps!!:D
Hahas first of all, let me congrats rhoda for finding a new job at GIC!!:D Hahas well even though u may be v busy wif 2 jobs, but i noe u will really enjoy the process and learn alot from it!!:D HAhas so 2dae we de besties ( xiaohui rhoda mav me) went to tanjong pager there to mit up and hav lunch!!After searching for ard 30 mins, we found de most famous yu pian mi fen aka Ya Soh Fish Noodle!!:D Celebrities like Fei Xiang, Nicholas Tse and Father, Liu De Hua, Jeff Wong and much more!!:D But the place really live up to the name and thanks to the three of them for treating me and i really appreciate it, gotta miss u all much when i m inside!!:D
After that went to suntec to exchange a shirt for my bro and m glad that my bro was pleased with the new shirt though and we headed to coffebean to sit down and chat!!:D
Well xiaohui and mavis ask me whether a r/s is worth it when it is filled with sweetness and yet bitterness and quarrels at de same time. To me i feel that even when such r/s happen in my life, it will be worth it cos God always place some probs and trails in relationships so that they both will grow up stronger tgt and yet discover God purpose and destiny for the two of them. Hahas if a r/s is jux really a bed of roses all de way, we cant really understand each other beta and end up only knowing the other party character on de surface:D But well i m certainly looking forward to the day when i can get to noe my other half too hehes!!:D
Alrights gotta sign off from here le, see u guys around and live ur life to de fullest in de meantime!!:D
Joke of de day: what is the most dangerous lamp aka deng in de whole world?
Ans of de day: Hahas bin la deng ( Osama Bin Laden):D:D
10:12 PM
Monday, April 9, 2007
Hahas well so here marks almost the end of the week le, looking back at it, the days have been rather relaxing been busy catching up with frens before NS, training, playing guit!!:D Yest was good friday and we had our first easter svc!!:D So invited someof my frens over to watch the musical n the night before as i was praying to God, He suddenly impresses me to sms my tutee shirlene and invite her too!!:D And praise God, she did come eventually after so much persuasion and she really did enjoy herself, saeying that our church is so hip and happening and she enjoy the musical so much!!:D Hahas but glory be to Him cos she recieve Christ into her life!!Believe that at the instant when she raised her hand, she had an enocunter with God!!:D
Next tues will be my last tuition with her le, after that giving the job to my klassmate cecily!!:D Hahas come to tink of it, being a tuition teacher is really a satisfying job to be!!Gotta admit that the monetary benefits is really an impt factor, but ultimately, the vision of able to touch a person's life is the greatsst achivement one can get from teaching the student!!Always rem before i start tution with her, always ask her how she getting on in life and always ans some ques that she poses about life before starting our lessons proper, n in this 3 mnths, not only she has grown but i find myself growing alot from it too!!:D N its exceptionally happy when she says that her maths really improve alot!!:D Hahas hope i won miss her too much though!!:D
Next week shall be the final week before NS le, gotta treasure this week real wells mans!!:D:D enjoy ur week peeps!!:D
12:04 AM
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Equinox: Breaking two Carlsberg world record:D
Hahas once upon a time in a farway msn chat between adeline and royston, ade suggested eating smth POSH with jme since she is feeling R-I-C-H!!:D Wahahas so she began searching for all the possible restaurants in different hotels and immeditaely we tot of equinox ( inspired by debbie), a 69th storey restuarant at swissotel!!Hahas but well, the price somehow pull us out of the tot and we finally come to a conclusion, mit at clarke quay then decide!!:D
Hahas so the next day, she suddenly gave roy a call saying that actually equinox prices are quite affordable and so spontaenously, reservations were made!!:D
Wahahas i tell you, equinox is de place where we really break 2 carlsberg record, firstly the highest place that we ever dine in!! Ade record was 66th at UOB, mine is 30th at ah ma hse, Jme was 33th at Bro D hse!!:D As for the second, shall reveal it later!!:D
Anyway, this entry is really dedictaed to my two best friends and i noe and i noe u 2 will be reading this!!:D
The scenary was really spectualar, after being led to our tables, we started tooking some pictures!!:D
Hahas that is de inside of the restaruant!!
And the famous twin durians!!:D
Hahas and right after ordering our dishes, we were served with bread!!:D Ok guys, this are different from those like cafe cartel and pasta; besides having free flow, the bread are hot, crisp and of different kind!! Me and ade love the honey sugar bread while jme prefers the normal bread wif butter!!:D
Hahas after that, we were told to wait for around 30 mins for our dishes and what to do?We jux spend the time chatting and catching up with each other n taking more photos!!:D
Me wif jme:D......
Jme wif ade:D......
And me wif ade!!:D:D:D
Hahas okeis here comes the highlight of de whole night, the food of cos!!:D The main course had a reasonable serving but certainly, the food was fresh and of the highest quality!!:D Money spent on it was definitely worth it, and now, let me post some fotos to make u all liu kou shui!!;):p
Ade's order: Asian Inspired Chickeh Pot Ah Fau!!:D The gravy was oh mans....
Hahas and that is jme's 1: White Mos Cod(Am i corect?) Hahas acc to her, the fish tasted like scallop but definitely fresh!!:D
Hahas and that is mine: Lobster with scallop!!:D Though the serving looks bit small, but well u can jux guess how nice the food is le!!:D
This desert dish is called sweet temptation, which we feel is de most worthit, cos it has 4 different kinds of desserts and each has its own unique taste!!:D
And of cos cheers to a fruitful and everlasting strong frenship!!:D
Hahas and there, we jux ate and sat there chatting to each other for 3 hours and it's always been grt to tok to ur best frens to share wif them deeper things and understand each other beta too!!:D:D
Leaving Equinox will be a waste if we don take more fotos so here we goes!!:D
Okies here comes de 2nd carlsberg record!!:D Hahas and that is, we went to the highest toilet that we have went ever before!!:D Its 68th storey high and the whole floor is jux dedicated to toilets!!:D Hahas upon reaching de floor, we were greeted by cabinets of wines that were exquisite and of cos expensive!!:D The toilets were also designed in such a wae that looks like a resort and definitely a place to record it down in memories!!:D:D
Hahas and that marks a beautiful and memorable night i had before my NS!!:D Thanks so much adeline and jamie, u 2 really impacted and bring lots of joy to my christian walk wif God and i noe u 2 will always be there when i have problems!!:D Thanks so much!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
11:12 PM
Thursday, April 5, 2007