Happy CNY:D
Hahas, happy chinese NIU year to everyone of u!!:D well, this cny has been really eating non stop, so much so that quite a few of my relatives said that i looked abit ahem 'upsize'!and this yr angbao earnings has decreased too, looks like even we will be affected by the economic crisis!!
Nevertheless, really enjoyed myself during this season even though its short, had wondeful steamboat outing with w325 at bugis, fellowship on sat after svc, and trip to sentosa during CHU YI with my family!!Here r some pics!!:D
Hahas, apparently someone really loved seaweed so much that he put a whole plate of that inside!!After a few rounds, the soup really looks bit disgusting!!
Group shot after steamboat at chinatown. Apparently, it failed!!
hahas another grp foto!!Henry says that it looks like i am eating a super duper da bao!!:S
Whats walking the night market w/o coconut juice??:D:D
Fellowship at superdog vivo after svc!!Looks like what phoebe says is true, we need to bring more sisters inside the cell!!:D
Hahas afterwards, went to the open area on top of vivo and fellowship there. Played the guitar, sang some songs and some guys went to play the water!!
12:01 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Finally!!After 2 long yrs, finally able to get back and sing acapella songs again!:D TTBB and Negativ will be working together for the first time and perform for the cca carnival on 4feb if i am not wrong!!singing songs like ashiteru, i be there for you and nation dream!!Looking forward to the prac on sat!!And of cos, tml red cliff 2 outing wif cell grp and fri cell grp miting!!:D:D
11:23 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
God of My Forever:D
[Studio]_God Of My Forever - CHCToday received a very touching and nice letter from one of my fellow cell-grp mate:D it's always good to be appreciated and recognised for the work that one has been doing. To be frankly speaking, sometimes i will feel stressful and at loss when serving others because there is not alot of feedbacks and comments given. I do not know whether am i doing the right thing, or is there any area that i need to inprove on. Receiving affirmation from others always never fail to encourage and motivate me to keep on serving others and improve in this area.
Esp in the area of being a cell-grp guitarist, i felt inadequate at times when playing because i feel that my skills is not really that great and i am like so call doing injustice to their time and efforts of the ppl when they sacrifice their precious time to be there during cell-grp meeting. Yet, i always feel encouraged by the compliments that the members have been giving me and all these make me really determined and focused to improve on my guitar skills so much more in 2009:D
Like what i told ascot today during BS, whenever we go about doing things or serving others, we must not have this mentality that we are doing all these for self-recognition, for own glory and own achievement and that we are doing just for the sake of doing. However, recognising the need and taking the initiative to serve people using our own talents and abilites should be our motivation to go about doing things. Just like what John C Maxwell said " People can tell the difference between leaders who are using them for their own gain and those who want to help them succeed. People warm up to warm people. They get to know the heart of someone who cares, and they respond well to them. If you go out of your way to care about others and help them, then they will go out of their way to help you when you ask them to."
But i always believe that the greatest motivator and encourager that one can has is always God. Like what Ps23 says, "Though i walk through the valley of shadow of death, yet i will fear no evil, for God is always with me." At times, i may feel discouraged and at loss of the things that i have been doing, but as i commit all these worries and thoughts to God, He will in turn motivate and encourage me to keep on doing the right things.
Wanna thank this person who wrote this letter to me. Really came as a surprise to me cos i never expect that she will write to me. But ur words really encourage me and renew my thoughts about serving others and becoming an inspiration and blessing to them. To you who are reading this, thanks so much melina!:D
1:00 AM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year:D
Hahas happy new year to each and everyone of u reading this entry!!Fresh new year=Fresh new start!:D wells, i am believing that 2009 will be even a better year ahead!
What's a more meaningful way to spend the last day of 2008 by going out with ur closed ones?Hahas so yesterday, decided to do smth new and different with w325!!We went to pulau ubin to cycle. By God's favour, the weather was really good and everybody enjoyed themselves even though it rained like 10 mins right after we touched down at the jetty!And also, yesterday was like the highest turn out for a cell group outing so far if i did not remember wrongly!!Had other plans in mind like zoo?botanic garden? since for the next week there won be any cgm too!!so here are just some photos taken yesterday!!:D
HAhas me and marquez!!take good care when u r leaving on friday!!:D
w325!!A pity our dear lixin and chithuat were not able to join us!
Afterwards, proceed to eat dinner at changi village and made our way home after that!!:D
Hahas today damian just came my hse and borrow the drums!!of cos feel v bu she de, bt oh wells, since he is so serious abt learning n i m learing guit now, might as well!!:D
Spent a long while planning my goals for 2009 and am proud that i have finally finished!!phew!!:D hope 2009 will be an even beta year for me as well as for u!!:D
Finally to end off, here is a joke credit from janet:
Q:Which chinese in the whole of chinese history is the fastest man?
A:Cao Cao!!cos suo cao cao, cao cao ma shang jiu dao!!(Speak of the devil)
Okay, hope u can understand it!!:D Good day to all of u!:D
1:47 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009