Today marks a very significant and important day in my life, start of SOT!!:D To me, it's really like a dream come true, cos i hac nv imagine i will be able to afford the time and finances to go for this course, but God is always good, and He always like to help people achieve their dreams, so praise God:D:D
Today is so call the orientation day, but the morning is already very impactful as we have a morning session with Pst Phil. The sermons preached were really amazing and eye-opening, through the whole 4 hrs, i have learnt that the most effective way to learn something is really to teach it. And there is a need for me to set an example first so that people will be willing to follow me.
And i was thinking when back home wad are the things that i really need to set an example and one of the most practical area is punctuality. Like wad Pst Bobby says, coming to SOT is about making disciples and being a disciple, requires one to lead by discipline, not by emotions or circumstances. And i tot since i live nearer than my team mates, it will be good for me to culitvate a disciplined life style by coming much earlier, getting ready and at the same time, book seats for them too. And i tink being punctual in daily lives like meeting frens, cgm, service is also a habit that i need to culitvate and be disciplined in.
Also, the fun part kicks in when we were gathered into our sot team and told to put up a drama with the theme testimony and about the movie x men. Well, we got the grand champ for the whole orientation for our drama and cheer. Cant believe it, but this really got me real excited for the greater things that is to come in the next 5 months. Got attritubues voucher, just in time to buy my bs books too.
Well, photos will be up soon, hope zoe can provide it:D:D But starting to love my sot team and spending the remaining 5 wonderful months with them!!:D
Hahas current song that TTBB is learning rite now, Telephone Talking by The Real Group.
Super nice song, but difficult to learn also, alot of 7th chords and this is the one of the rare times singing bass parts for so long that i got such difficult bass parts, and that's thanks to zhirui for arranging and scoring the scores:D:D
SOT starting in less than a week time, super excited for it:D:D
11:24 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Purpose of Conflict?:D
This few days, i have been thinking about what good is there, if two parties are involved in a conflict, yet both want to make their stands and ensure that they win, but in the end, both will end up as losers, neither are winners, but instead, the relationship turn sour as a result.
It's always true that our human reaction when faced with an agrument, is to return back the 'favour' and bullzoze our way to win the agrument. When i was small, i always got the tendency to shout back at my parents, agrue back with my friends, quarrel with my brothers and ensure that i will end up the winner no matter what, but as i grow up, i realise that this kind of process is so tiring.
Why is it better to be a giver than a taker?A taker will ensure that all the things that he is doing will benefit him and only him and will go to whatever it takes to achieve what he wanted. Yet as u think about it, won't he be so tired?Always worrying about everything; worried that he might not get what he want; worried that people will take advantage of him; worried when he need to take action again in order to gain back what he had lost.
But a giver has no worries for him nor to the people he is giving. Yet to him, giving is always a pleasure, a lifestyle that he upkeeps and no matter what happens, others benefits comes above his, and he gains satisfaction in being a blessing to others.
It's true we find it hard to forgive or even love ppl who have hurt us or disappoint us in one way or another, yet, in the bible it says in Matthew 5, even the unchurch also know how to love the people that he likes. So if we do the same, what difference are we from them?Jesus words to us are that we need to love our neighbours and our ENEMIES, loving them, praying for them, forgiving them and even going the extra mile to love them. And that is the unconditional love that we have from God, and we in turn need to share it with others.
Merely just obeying the commandment is never enuf, we do not do it just for the sake of doing it, but obedience is an act of submission, and that means you obey it out of reverence for God but u also make it as a lifestyle in order to be a blessing to others.
I do admit that sometimes i feel very frustrated and angry at a particular person that i feel like 'strangling' him, yet, after so many experiences of anger outbursts, i realise the best way to live out what God has told us to do is to really lift the person up in prayers. The more this person has irritated me, the more i pray for him and committ him to God and after that, i asked God for the dose of compassion so that i can be like Him, willing to love and forgive everybody regardless of the things that they have done to us.
Forigveness is always unconditional, and it's always love that can touched a person life and make their dreams soar again. To people right now, it may seem that i am a weakling by not fighting back and pushing my way through, but if that is so, what are those prisoners, deliquents, drug abusers who have turn over a new leaf as a result of the constant love and perversverence that is shared to them despite of their ungrateful attitudes last time?
Now it may seem as a weakling, but as we begin to take a step back and look at the great picutre, we will know that by being meek, loving and forgiving, we will end up being the ones who are able to impact the lives of people out there who are desperately in need of love and forgiveness. So why not?Instead of acting the usual way we are, why not discipline ourselves to be the ones that God has intended us to be?Though it never easy, but if we are not weary while doing good, God will bring the harvests in due season.
Hahas finally, de wei has arranged the draft of the song i arranged!!:D he is really awesome, rushing it in a matter of 3 days!!wahahas:D:D and he did it all along in his little studio room ahhaas thanks much!!:D
hahas niwae, excited for the supreme court open hse exhibition wif w325 tml!!:D:D always nv get tired of seeing them:D:D and to nat, though u may not reading this, but hope u r coping well with the training, will be praying for u too!!:D:D
1:39 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sony Vaio SR:D:D
Hahas finally, went to the IT Sow yesterday to get my new laptop!Thought if i go there ard 12pm, it won have that much people, but to my surprise, the whole hall was like already jam packed by that time, looks like people are not really suffering that much from the economic crisis though:D
hahas oh well, finally got my SONY Vaio Sr36GN!!And i got a hard time deciding between silver and black colour, but finally chose silver cause of it sleek interior design!!:D
spent like the whole day installing the necessary programs and customise the lappy. But satisfied with how the laptop is looking and performing, and there's a reason why i chose sony too though the price is always bit over-priced:D:D
Niwar, for those guitarists out there, next time u wanna buy strings or other accessiories, go to!!The stuff there are much cheaper than outside and they will mail the product to u immediately; that means u will get to receive on the next day!!So at the recommendation of andrew, ordered the Elixir Strings from them at only $22, compared to the usual $27 that i will need to pay if i go to Sinamex to buy, plus, the transportation cost too!!:D so do take a look if u need to buy strings or gears!!:D:D
11:11 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hahas introducing a draft of another newly composed chinese song of mine!!:D Well, it all started today afternoon when i just pick up my guitar and start to play some random chords and a melody and theme just flow into my head!!Got very excited abt it and immeditely spend 3 hrs consecutively without resting touching up on the melody and lyrics!!:D Finished recording before i went to acapella prac so that i can show to de wei and ask him to arrange the song for me. Well, hope my previous song will be ready soon, he can really arrange songs very well!!:D hahas oh well, but this is really a very simple song, and hope it can capture a bit of tat chinese jazzy feeling!!:D
hahas tried uploaded to imeem but they only allow me play 30sec!!so no choice, had to put some pics, make into a little movie and upload into youtube!!:D
hahas this is the draft of my new song, 宽容, meaning forgiveness:D Drew this inspiration from the story about the prodigal son and his father. The story talks about how the son rebelled against his father, took his portion of his inheritance, went to another place but in the end lost everything he had. Feeling remorseful for what he had done, he decided to return back to his father. And on the way back, to his amazement, his father is standing down there on the road waiting for him.
And i think this story is no stranger to the many Christians who have read the Gospels and attributed it to the love of Jesus Christ, how inspite of the many wrong things that we had done, still willing to forgive us and received us with open arms.
So when writing the song, was potraying a guy standing in the middle of a crossroad, with nothing in his possessions; no friends, no money, feeling lonely and guilty. Desperate of love and a chance to be forgiven, he finally found what he wanted and once again, he felt that his dreams are set free.:D:D
12:39 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
How Deep is Your Love:D:D
Song of the Week: How Deep is Your Love by Bee Gees:D
hahas this song is currently stuck to my head all the time liao!hahas this is the song that TTBB is learning and practising for this week. Last week did don't love you no more by Craig and wonder what will be our song for the next week. Hahas, this is de wei's idea of gathering ttbb back once again to sing, learn new songs and record them and put it together into an album!!Exciting project, and i also love the supper moment after prac, it just seems like yesterday when we always stay back late in school to prepare for a certain performance:D
Niwae, congrats to Jingwei for your baptism also!!Proud of u too!!:D here some photos!!:D
hahas apparently henry is missing out in the picture cos he always say he 'needs to go to the toilet' everytime we took photos!So what to do?Marcus had no choice but to do it in a creative way, spot the difference!!:D
hahas omg its really funny when i first saw those pictures, but nice work done marcus!!:D
recently alot of people on facebook have been putting this stuff which is quite interesting, so nat decided to do one for w325!!:D
Phoebe--The Good Friend:D Maria--The Stylish One;) Melina--The Goodie Two Shoes:) oh ya wad does it mean? Ascot--The One that is up to no good=D wahahas!! Marcus Ong--The tower!:D Henry--The lazy one!!hahas! Nat--The one with all the gossip!!oooooooo:D Royston--The Funny one:D Damian--The Ladies Man:D wee woo!! Ronaldo--The Gangster??!!!!:D Jingwei--The one who always go hungry!!:D
hahas ah bt too bad, miss some of the members though!!:D
12:09 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Royston Tan
31st Oct 1988
Shuqun Pri, CSS, NJC, CHC, w325:D:D
Taylor 414ce
My electronic drum set
Music and guitars!!:D
And my dearest w325:D:D